Before Surgery
Any special lab work or x-rays necessary for your procedure will be arranged by your physician prior to the date of your surgery.
If you have an infection, fever or noticeable change in your health since your last office visit, inform your doctor.
Eat a light supper on the day before your surgery.
DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT unless your doctor instructs you otherwise. (This includes candy, water, coffee, chewing gum, etc.) If you eat or drink anything, your surgery may be cancelled and rescheduled. Routine medications authorized by your physician may be taken with a small sip of water.
Follow all special instructions given to you by your physician.
If possible, please refrain from using any form of tobacco at least 24 hours prior to surgery.
The above guidelines are for general anesthesia cases. However, even if you are scheduled for local anesthesia, a change could occur, therefore these guidelines should be followed unless directed otherwise by your physician or Surgery Center of Athens staff.
Please bring a list of current medications
Staff of the Surgery Center of Athens will be calling you prior to the day of surgery to review your medical history, prepare you for surgery, confirm your arrival time, answer questions, and review payment procedures.